neighbour friendly home gym equipment

Neighbour Friendly Home Gym Workouts

Live above or below a flat and don’t want to sound like you have a dinosaur stomping around in your flat? Apart from being a considerate neighbour, being interrupted during your workout to stop being so loud, making the flat below feel like their light fittings are going to come crashing down, really gets in the way of your gains.

Being in an upstairs flat should never stop you from exercising so making the right choices to stay consistent in your workout is key to keeping neighbours happy and your fitness goals on track.

Neighbour friendly home gym equipment

It’s sad to say here but big heavy weights are definitely not neighbour friendly, particularly if you’re above someone - there would need to be a lot of foundations in the floors to be able to support weights being dropped to not cause any damage to the below’s ceiling. Have you ever noticed how gyms have their weight rooms on the lowest floor of the gym? It’s no coincidence as it soaks up more sound and you’ve got nothing to crash down into. Even with people above you, or to the side, slamming weights down from a power clean can shake walls and create a lot of noise.

You need to have equipment that is lightweight, quiet, and doesn’t require to be slammed on the ground (say goodbye to slam balls). So equipment like the Unitree PUMP, resistance bands, exercise balls, light dumbbells, static bike machines, are all good choices. Something like a treadmill is heavy and the steps will probably be heard by a close by neighbour, but a exercise bike is a good option for your cardio.

neighbour friendly home gym equipment


Neighbour friendly gym room

Ideally as far away as possible from other humans. Partly so you can put music on speakers, otherwise consider wearing some headphones. But in general, try the ground floor, or lowest floor you have, in a separate environment and away from relaxing living spaces. For more info on on spaces check out our blog on home gym must haves.

neighbour friendly home gym room

Neighbour friendly home exercises

The less so jump ones basically. Avoid them for obvious reasons! So make a workout that involves more static exercises, where you’re still but moving one part of your body in a controlled way. You don’t want to be doing Hyrox training for sure, but exercises where you’re standing still and not jumping. 

For example, standing squats, not jumping squats. No burpees, no skipping, no mountain climbers. But yes to plank variations, sit ups, press ups, bicep curls, glute kickbacks etc.


Now we don’t want to sound like a teacher saying the dos and don’ts by creating a massive list but you get the idea. It may seem a bit frustrating but it’s nice to be nice! It also means you can look for new ways to train and it may actually give more variety and new ones to train, which is always interesting.

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